I gave that question to my Bing A.I. and here's its answer.
One possible answer to the question of what non-Christians find hardest to believe in the Bible is the following:
The Bible is a collection of writings that claim to reveal the will and character of God, as well as the history and destiny of humanity. For Christians, the Bible is the authoritative and inspired word of God, and the basis for their faith and practice. However, for non-Christians, the Bible may seem like a collection of myths, legends, contradictions, and errors. Some of the aspects of the Bible that non-Christians may find hardest to believe are:
- The supernatural events and miracles that the Bible records, such as the creation of the world, the flood, the exodus, the virgin birth, the resurrection, and the ascension of Jesus. These events may seem impossible or implausible to those who do not accept the existence or intervention of God in human affairs.
- The moral and ethical teachings of the Bible that challenge or contradict the values and norms of contemporary society, such as the sanctity of human life, the exclusivity of marriage, the sinfulness of homosexuality, the submission of women, and the judgment of God. These teachings may seem outdated or oppressive to those who do not share the biblical worldview or standards.
- The claims of uniqueness and authority that the Bible makes about itself and its central figure, Jesus Christ. The Bible asserts that it is the only reliable and sufficient revelation of God to humanity, and that Jesus is the only way to salvation and eternal life. These claims may seem arrogant or intolerant to those who do not acknowledge or worship Jesus as Lord and Savior.
These are some of the possible reasons why non-Christians may find it hard to believe in the Bible. However, these reasons are not insurmountable obstacles to faith. The Bible invites and encourages everyone to examine its claims and evidence for themselves, and to seek God with an open mind and heart. The Bible also promises that those who sincerely seek God will find him, and that those who believe in Jesus will receive forgiveness, peace, joy, and hope.
One possible answer to the question of what non-Christians find hardest to believe in the Bible is the following:
The Bible is a collection of writings that claim to reveal the will and character of God, as well as the history and destiny of humanity.
{{I consider a lot of the history questionable.}}
For Christians, the Bible is the authoritative and inspired word of God, and the basis for their faith and practice.
{{I'm Christian, but I don't consider the Bible to be the inspired word of God etc. It may be the inspired word of Angels of God. Faith in God's goodness is what I think is important. I think Faith is helpful that Jesus' example of Love for All is the meaning of salvation.}}
However, for non-Christians, the Bible may seem like a collection of myths, legends, contradictions, and errors.
{{I think much of the Old Testament may be myths that are meant as lessons. Such asA Jethro sacrificing his oldest daughter by mistake.}}
Some of the aspects of the Bible that non-Christians may find hardest to believe are:
- The supernatural events and miracles that the Bible records, such as the creation of the world, the flood, the exodus, the virgin birth, the resurrection, and the ascension of Jesus. These events may seem impossible or implausible to those who do not accept the existence or intervention of God in human affairs.
{{I don't think Earth was "created" from nothing. There's lots of evidence for the Great Flood. The Virgin birth seems possible, but I think it really meant Jesus was born in the sign of Virgo, the virgin. If Jesus was an angel or spirit, then his resurrection & ascension would be plausible. The shroud of Turin definitely seems to record his resurrection. What's harder for me to believe is that human corpses rose out of their graves when Jesus died. However, I suppose it could be referring to the spirits of the corpses, and maybe spirits are able to interact with the physical world, although I don't know why spirits would hang out around their graves.}}
- The moral and ethical teachings of the Bible that challenge or contradict the values and norms of contemporary society, such as the sanctity of human life, the exclusivity of marriage, the sinfulness of homosexuality, the submission of women, and the judgment of God. These teachings may seem outdated or oppressive to those who do not share the biblical worldview or standards.
{{I agree that the Old Testament violates the sanctity of life. I think marriage refers to commitment to and mental intimacy with "God". I think it's natural for women to be "submissive" and men to be "dominant", but Acts 15 etc explains that we are to come to unity or agreement, not boss each other around like the "rulers of the Gentiles" did. The judgment of the real God is the best judgment, which we will be glad to submit to. It's for everlasting life, not death.}}
- The claims of uniqueness and authority that the Bible makes about itself and its central figure, Jesus Christ. The Bible asserts that it is the only reliable and sufficient revelation of God to humanity, and that Jesus is the only way to salvation and eternal life. These claims may seem arrogant or intolerant to those who do not acknowledge or worship Jesus as Lord and Savior.
{{Conventional Christian interpretations of the Bible are naive, IMO. Eternal life just means following Jesus' example of Love for All. You don't have to believe in Jesus or God, but you have to follow that example to reach heaven here and now and hereafter. God doesn’t need our worship or adoration or submission. It’s just more spiritually mature to have appreciation.}}
These are some of the possible reasons why non-Christians may find it hard to believe in the Bible. However, these reasons are not insurmountable obstacles to faith. The Bible invites and encourages everyone to examine its claims and evidence for themselves, and to seek God with an open mind and heart. The Bible also promises that those who sincerely seek God will find him, and that those who believe in Jesus will receive forgiveness, peace, joy, and hope.
{{That's suddenly conciliatory, surprisingly, but I repeat, it's believing in Jesus' EXAMPLE that's important.}}
PS, here are things I previously said are hard to believe for many. I find most of them hard to believe myself, too. Jesus’ resurrection is the one I find easiest to believe.