I thought I had made a post about Theomatics before, but I haven’t found it. This time I wanted to post about a couple new videos under the Bible Miracles topic, i.e.: Video #1: 70×7 🔑 Jesus Proves His Deity with this Number; and Video #2: How Jewels Prove God Exists. The first one reminded me of Theomatics, so I wanted to reference my post on that. Now I did a little more digging and found it under the title, BIBLE CODE & HEBREW NEW TESTAMENT. That post didn’t show any examples, so I’ll try to find some and add that and other info about Theomatics below, after reviewing the above videos. I included the Hebrew New Testament info, probably because Theomatics applies to the original Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament. I was surprised to find lately that Video #1 indicates that the King James Bible has similar miraculous numerics. Nonetheless, there are definitely errors in the KJV. E.g., one whole generation in Jesus’ genealogy is missing. However, the Bible definitely is miraculous, I think. But then all of life seems to be miraculous as well, maybe just as much so as the Bible. Eh? By the way, Drosnin’s book, called The Bible Code, is a fraud.
The title is 70×7 🔑 Jesus Proves His Deity with this Number. I disagree that Jesus is God. He’s the Son of God, not God the Father. God the Father is invisible and imperceivable, because he’s infinite. We’re all children of God. Jesus is our role model.
The numbers on the screen above are word counts for odd and even numbered books of the New Testament. The word count for Jesus is 490, which is 7 x 70. Jesus is the only word that equals the same 490 in both sets of books. That’s 7 x 70 x 2.
Adding up the words Brother & Forgive sums to 490, which is again 7 x 70. And the same applies to the words Sin & Forgiven.
The same applies to the words Father and Son as well as the words Peter, Seven & Jesus. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for humans to do that intentionally. Jesus told Peter to forgive people 7 x 70 times and those are the same numbers those words add up to.
The second video, How Jewels Prove God Exists, says 12 jewels are mentioned I think in Genesis and again in Revelation to represent the 12 tribes of Israel (and/or the 12 apostles). And those are exactly the gemstones that are anisotropic, which shows colors under laser light, whereas isotropic gems show no colors under laser light. Since lasers weren’t invented until 1963, the author says this proves that God wrote the Bible, because no one else could have known this until gems were subjected to laser light.
Following are highlight from this website: Synopsis of the Angelfall website. I’ve greatly reduced the amount of text, but I retained much of the meaning. I numbered the sections.
No matter what religion anyone may choose to believe, let us not forget one simple fact. The major hurdle that we all face as a human race, the major problem that man will never solve no matter how technologically advanced he becomes—no one will ever be able to create life or explain how life began, nor will man ever be able to conquer death and figure out how to live forever. 1. A Deeper Look; 2. The Big Picture. As stated on the home page, what you are about to see happen, is that these eternal questions will be answered in spectacular fashion, in a way that no one has ever thought of. And best of all, in a manner of which the basis for all of it—can actually be proven in a scientific laboratory. God has kept the lid on the BIG picture, deliberately hiding it from mankind. 3. The Discovery of Theomatics. This journey began back In 1975. The author, at 25 years of age, discovered a supernatural mathematical code in the original Hebrew and Greek languages of the Bible. Since that time he has spent countless thousands of hours working with this phenomenon. A search on Google will yield more than 40,000 sites that specifically mention theomatics. Yet amazingly, this subject has received virtually zero coverage in the media. It has basically been a grass roots phenomenon. This is not the same thing as the Bible code subject of recent years, that is all over the internet and even been featured on the Oprah show (also called "Torah codes" or "ELS"). A summational discussion of the difference between theomatics and the Bible code is presented (Chapter 2p). The Bible code was supposedly discovered in 1963. But the basis of Theomatics, also called "gematria" and "isopsephia" has been known since the time before Christ—this is not some Johnny come lately concept. These Hebrew and Greek "theomatic" number codes that theomatics uses, can be found right in Webster's dictionary. The Bible was originally written in the Hebrew language (Old Testament) and the Greek language (New Testament). 4. It is Truly Amazing. Statistically, it proves beyond any reasonable doubt the divine and supernatural origin of the Bible. It is mathematically and categorically impossible for this phenomenon to appear in any work of literature. ONLY IN THE BIBLE does it happen (see Chapter 2o). www.theomatics.com/theomatics/books.html. 5. What the Code Means. The words that we read from the Bible comprises only the surface layer of the Bible. Beneath the surface words there is a vast system of symbolism operating. You will understand this as you study Angelfall. This whole thing is extremely complex and is A SYSTEM OF GALACTIC PROPORTIONS. 6. A Little Illustration. An important fact for all Christians to realize—even though God has embedded this code and system, none of this will change or contradict a single thing that the Bible says. It will all agree with the open text. BIG picture is going to open up and explain why this world exists and why each person has been born. GOD HAS HIDDEN THE BIG PICTURE INSIDE OF THIS CODED SYSTEM. Again, the conclusive fact concerning all of this, is that it is categorically impossible for men to have placed any of it in the Bible. Divine Intelligence is the only logical explanation for the spectacular phenomenon you are about to witness. 7. No One Has a Clue. The answer to "why all things exist" is something that nobody knows about. The good news is that when a person finally comes to the point of admitting their helplessness and gives up on their own pride and natural strength, and quits looking WITHIN for understanding, meaning, and purpose, and agrees to finally accept reality based upon God's terms (yes, there are absolutes)—that is when God can finally begin to open up and make Himself known to that person. Humility is the key that unlocks the door that leads to understanding. 8. The Big Issue—Pre-Existence. Angelfall deals with one primary issue. When little babies are conceived in the womb and people are born into this world, is that the very first time of their existence as conscious living beings? The theomatics code in the Bible will answer that question. And in the process of answering it, it will also explain a whole lot of other things as well. The most amazing fact is that the whole thing has been set up to operate without our being consciously aware of it. 9. Some People May Object. 10. Genesis and the Garden of Eden Story. What the theomatics Bible code reveals is that everything in this story is deeply symbolic. The story is indeed true, but worthless nonsense if only understood at face value. 11. Connecting the Dots. All the things mentioned in the Genesis creation account and the garden of Eden story are actually enlarged and explained in the book of Revelation. ALMOST EVERYTHING PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO UNDERSTAND IN A LITERAL GRAMMATICAL/HISTORICAL SENSE IS ACTUALLY SYMBOLICAL OF MANY THINGS AND MANY ETERNAL ISSUES. What that means is that a lot of sincere Christian people may be waiting for times and events to happen (particularly in the Middle East) that will probably never take place because, quite honestly, God has something else completely different in mind. There is a complete section in Angelfall on the subject of Bible prophecy (see Chapter 13a). 12. Now Comes the BIG Picture. The account of the creation of Adam and Eve concludes with the statement—"Thus the HEAVENS and the earth were finished, and ALL THE HOST of them" (Gen 2:1). The expression "host" is referring to angelic beings—so right there the direct and inextricable connection is made—Adam and Eve represent the angels. Also, the Bible refers SPECIFICALLY to the creation of Adam and Eve as the "generations of the heavens" (Gen 2:4). 13. Deep and Complex. Theomatics proves that God never intended that the Bible be ultimately understood with just the "grammatical-historical" method—the standard and exclusive method of interpretation that all Bible scholars and theologians assert (and to which they are severely limited). There is far greater and deeper meaning present. 14. The Enormous Universe. God Himself actually created the time dimension that we live in. God no doubt has the ability to go forwards {or} back in time. {Time is part of God IMO.} The Bible clearly states that all of it was predestined and actually planned and ENGINEERED by God Himself down to the most minute detail (see Psa 109:6, Zech 11:12, Joh 13:27, and Mat 26:24). (read Romans 9:10-26). 15. Man is at a Dead End Street. 16. The Unseen Dimension. It has been often said that "man is a spiritual being who is simply having a physical experience." This is so true, because the Bible refers to our physical bodies as "earthen vessels" that contain our spirit. When we die physically, these spirit beings will depart, but they will go right on living in another dimension. 17. The Ground Zero Issue. It is the original bone of contention between God and the angels, and now mankind as well. Just because God, who is a "Being" with independent will and consciousness, created me as "another being" or individual with free will and consciousness, does that give Him the right to tell me what to do, or to be the determiner of right from wrong? {I don't see it as competition. I think God will explain to us individually why there is right and wrong and that will persuade us to accept it.} 18. Men on Earth are Actually Fallen Angels. The theomatics code in the Bible proves conclusively that every person who is born into this world—pre-existed in heaven—we are the fallen anfsdagels who were thrown out and cast down to earth. Literally. That is why the Bible teaches that men and women are born sinners. {I hadn't thought of it that way. I think it makes more sense than normal ideas about reincarnation. But I'm skeptical of that, nonetheless.} All through the Bible, especially in the book of Revelation, it talks about this war in heaven—a war that is clearly INTEGRATED with men now living physically upon planet earth. The angels quite literally had a "declaration of independence" and basically wanted to be set free so they could go off and do their own thing. That is what the well known story on the prodigal son is all about in Luke chapter 15. The young immature boy demanded his rights and property, and left the Father's heavenly home in rebellion. When he finally did repent, these were the words he spoke. "Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee; And am no more worthy to be called thy son" (Luke 15:18). 19. Yes, That is Who we Are. The Bible states that Eve "became mother of all the living" (Gen 3:20). Her children are the stars of heaven. In the book of Revelation, the entirety of chapter 12 portrays Eve as the woman seen in heaven who is associated with the stars and subsequently gives birth (Rev 12:1-17). It is important to clarify the fact that even though all of this is deeply symbolic of heavenly issues and matters, it has a literal application at the same time. 20. A Trip Through Space Time. The good news is that in the New Testament God changes the whole thing by giving us eternal life and writing his laws upon hearts of flesh instead of upon rocks (tables of stone that have no life). There is a whole new basis of relationship coming on the horizon between God and man, because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross—the greatest gift that God ever gave was Jesus. 21. Conception and Birth. Demons are perhaps the worst of the fallen angels who cannot be redeemed. {I disagree, because it would mean that God is not all-powerful, if he can’t persuade demons to reform.} 22. The Final Judgment of the Devil's Angels. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels… {Fire is for purification, not punishment. What sense would it make for God to punish anyone eternally? The only purpose for punishment is correction. God is not emotional and not overcome by emotion. Totally stupid idea. I have posts about All Being Saved at ALL ARE SAVED — ALL WILL BE SAVED.} 23. Human Nature is Fallen Nature. 24. There is a Way Back Out. 25. Marked for Deletion. 26. This is a Serious Issue. We cannot save ourselves. {We are not damned in the first place. We will grow into our mature spiritual nature.} Only God's plan will work. And uncompromising faith is the only way through the door. {Faith is supposed to mean faithfulness, i.e. being faithful by observing God's commandments of Love for All.} 27. Final Comments. 28. Addendum Remark. Theomatics proves conclusively the fall from heaven and man's direct connection to the angelic realm. {I don't trust any human's conclusions, since all humans are obviously fallible.}
{The above doesn’t show how Theomatics works, so I’ll try to find some examples on the Theomatics website. I found 2 examples below. Each letter of the Greek or Hebrew alphabet has a different numerical value. I think the first 9 letters have values from 1 to 9; the next 9 letters values are multiples of 10, from 10 to 90; and the last few letters have values as multiples of 100 from 100 to whatever. So to get the numerical value of a word, one adds up the value of each letter in the word, and for phrases each letter of each word in the phrase.}
{FIRST EXAMPLE:} The Birth of Jesus and the Number 111
JESUS {Mt 1:16 Ihsouv} {= 888 =} 111 x 8
CHRIST {Xriston} {= 1332 =} 111 x 12
THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST THUS WAS {Mat 1:18 tou Ihsouv Xristou genesiv outwv hn} {= 5439 =} 111 x 49
THE SERPENT {Gen 3:1 wen} = 360 = (180 x 2) {= 18 x 10 x 2}
SATAN {1 Chr 21:1 Ntw} = 360 = (180 x 2)
THE SERPENT OF OLD CALLED THE DEVIL AND SATAN {Rev 12:9 ofiv o arxaiov o kaloumenov diabolov kai satanav} = 360 x 11 = (180 x 2 x 11)
WALKS ABOUT SEEKING WHOM HE MAY DEVOUR {1 Pet 3:5 peripatei zhtwn tina katapiein} = 324 x 8 = (18 x 18 x 8)
THE ACCUSER OF THE BRETHREN {(mt) Rev 12:10 kathgorov adelfwn} = 180 x 12
GET THEE BEHIND ME {Mat 16:23 upage opisw mou} = 360 x 6 = (180 x 12)