Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)
This video was made by Nathan 7 years ago. He figured out most of what I figured out more recently in the last few years. He found David Rohl’s evidence that Egyptian history is off by a few centuries and, by shortening it, it matches Israelite history. He found that the Greek Septuagint Bible from about the 3rd century BC was mostly correct and dates the Great Flood to about 3,000 BC. I think it dates the Flood closer to 3,300 BC. And most Bibles are wrong because they follow the Masoretic Hebrew Bible, which was very likely corrupted intentionally by Judaists at the time of the Apostles in order to discredit their claim that Jesus is the Savior. My view is that he saves us by being our role model so that we are to follow his example of Love for All. Nathan also discussed the Tower of Babel and the Great Pyramid etc. He points out that most Creationists accept the Masoretic Bible and I think that’s really pathetic, that they’re so controlled by Judaism. Creationists are pretty smart about Noah’s Flood, but really dumb about the Masoretic Bible.
I skim through a lot of video titles and save ones that are most interesting.
A Book Analysis of David Rohl's “The Exodus: Myth History?” (Part 5): The Exodus Route Itself https://www.joeledmundanderson.com/a-book-analysis-of-the-exodus-myth-history-part-5-the-exodus-route-itself/ {I think he’s wrong about the Exodus route, but most of his other analysis seems correct.}
EP. 088 - Uncovering Patterns of Evidence youtube.com/watch?v=HGHQahZdu_4&list=PLrCQerz2L0IexwAzq4zGBX-sl2RwvnFaR&index=27
Patterns of Evidence: Exodus youtube.com/watch?v=VjzlhMng3zU&list=PLrCQerz2L0IexwAzq4zGBX-sl2RwvnFaR&index=26
EP. 024 - Egypt’s New Chronology youtube.com/watch?v=l2YacYRLGSI&list=PLrCQerz2L0IexwAzq4zGBX-sl2RwvnFaR&index=23
King David- The Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries: Digging for Truth youtube.com/watch?v=n1SA1hicOxg
Jesus & Ancient China youtube.com/watch?v=-p1MBhTwJ-o
The Amalek Syndrome youtube.com/watch?v=qWtTHdlAxhE {Might answer why Moses killed 3,000 idol worshippers, but not really, kuz I don't believe murder is approved by God}
Ketef Hinnom Scrolls 600's BC youtube.com/watch?v=RjAu0La_LFQ
Birthgap - Childless World youtube.com/watch?v=A6s8QlIGanA
How To Solve The Falling Birth Rate Crisis With Economics youtube.com/watch?v=C13JBHiXrRw
Men approaching women is considered harrassment youtube.com/watch?v=LRRwTGdQlAc
The Consequences of Sexlessness Are SCARY youtube.com/watch?v=oVsBNoulHMA
Looksmaxxing Vs Nichemaxxing youtube.com/watch?v=q-De9a9oOJM
**35 BODIES** 6 Reasons Promiscuity is Rising in 2022 youtube.com/watch?v=-lHCV7jtxtI
4 Reasons Promiscuity Is Leading To Society's Downfall youtube.com/watch?v=ik1z6pvrYqU
The HORRIFYING Secret The Porn Industry is hiding youtube.com/watch?v=zm_78Y2FkAc
Why Women Can't Find REAL Love youtube.com/watch?v=ukc1h4xUM5k
Top 7 Speed Dating Questions: speed dating tips youtube.com/watch?v=ocxMdefyQ8c
The Most Effective Response To A Narcissist's False Accusations youtube.com/watch?v=vIBQJQGY9yY
Why Your Less-Experienced Colleagues Are Promoted Instead of You youtube.com/watch?v=OPiXobBnCKI {It's because they communicate well with confidence and the "marketplace" values communication.}
The Dark Reality of Generation Alpha youtube.com/watch?v=9_WjdAxnLvU
If You're Feeling Overwhelmed Watch This youtube.com/watch?v=7VfSCQnGfk4
School Feminizes Boys and Traumatizes Girls youtube.com/watch?v=9DoJtXjWibo
RFK Jr on Overcoming Addiction youtube.com/watch?v=O0QErZZKAlE