The "Proto" Qur'an was ARAMAIC, & all about JESUS
This is pretty interesting. The Quran was likely composed from Christian poems & other literature and was later mistranslated from Aramaic into Arabic. The author of this video channel criticizes the Quran for its violence and for claiming that Jesus wasn’t really crucified and wasn’t God, as part of the Trinity. I agree with him about its violence and I think the shroud of Turin proves Jesus likely resurrected, but I don’t believe in the Trinity or that Jesus was God the Father. Jesus was teaching the Bible correctly, but giving a better perspective on ancient myths. The ancients believed in a Trinity because three of the planets were very close to Earth originally and they thought the planets were gods. They thought Saturn was god the Father, Venus the Mother god (which was later changed to Holy Spirit) and Mars the son of the two gods. Jesus was using ancient symbolism that the people could understand to help explain his purpose to bring Heaven on Earth where people love each other and prosper. He called himself bread and wine. An ancient god was called bread. It was symbolism that people were familiar with. The Israelites kept worshiping planet Saturn despite what Moses had warned them about false gods. The ancients thought that Saturn had devoured his own children, which were probably asteroids, and they thought they were supposed to follow the examples of the gods. So they invented human sacrifice, especially child sacrifice. Moses told them to do animal sacrifice instead of human sacrifice, but many Israelites kept doing child sacrifice out of fear of the planets. The Book of Revelation refers to the planets and constellations as symbols of future events when Jesus will return or rule. The constellation of Virgo, the virgin, represents the virgin, Mary, and the planet Mars represents Jesus. I think the prophecies of Jesus’ virgin birth meant that he would be born in the sign of Virgo. I can imagine that virgin birth might be possible, but I don’t think we’ll go to Hell if we don’t believe what our elders claimed the Bible meant about everything. I think the Trinity belief only came when the Catholic Church started 300 years after Jesus’ death. That’s when the evil majority rule replaced unanimous rule of Acts 15. The Christian Bible is much better than any other one, I think, but it was corrupted somewhat too.
Below is the blurb under the video and after that is a list of titles of many of the videos.
74,234 views Mar 20, 2022
In the1970s a German Protestant theologian scholar named Dr Gunther Luling (a Dr. in Arabistics and Islamics and a pioneer in the study of early Islamic origins) wrote his Doctoral thesis on the origins of the Qur'an, where he reconstructed a comprehensive pre-Islamic Christian Hymnal hidden within the Qur’an, taken from 5th-6th century Syriac Christian hymns.
His 1970 PhD thesis received the ‘Opus Eximium’ (high distinction) grade, the highest available in Germany, which should have promoted him to professorship anywhere, but in 1972 he was kicked out of his University, for no reason. One German scholar said ‘He was a crack-pot’, possibly because his research was just too new and too explosively controversial.
In the 1990s his thesis was translated into English, which gave it a much wider audience, and he was rehabilitated, so that by the time he died in 2014, he had been exonerated.
Following Dr Luling's example another German Arabist and Syriac scholar, Dr Christoph Luxenberg broke new ground on the Qur'an, discovering that much of it came from previous Christian Lectionaries, Homilies, and Hymns, written in Syro-Aramiac, and then interposed into Arabic later on.
Like Luling, he was ostracized by the German academic community. As a result, he changed his name and never publicly showed his face, in order not to be identified.
He was curious concerning the 25% of the Qur'an which even the scholars don't understand, known as the "Dark Passages", and so decided to apply Luling’s methodology, using his own 7-step process of peeling back the layers of the Arabic to find what the text originally said.
Here is his 7-step process:
1) He checked al-Tabari's 10th century Tafsir (commentary) for an Arabic meaning for the words in question.
2) He then checked the 13th century Lisān al-ʿArab (“Tongue of Arabs” = Arabic Dictionary) which was compiled by Ibn Manzur (in 1290) for dictionary meanings of those words.
3) He looked to see if there were homonymous (synonymous) roots in the Aramaic, even perhaps with a different meaning.
4) He then tried different diacritics (the 5 dots above and below each of the letters in Arabic) to see if he could fine other alternatives.
5) He finally went to the Aramaic language to find an Aramaic root using different Aramaic diacritics (dots similar to those in Arabic).
6) Upon trying the different diacritics, he then re-translated the Arabic words back into the Aramaic using the semantics of the Syro-Aramaic word.
7) And finally he tried to find the lost meanings of Arab words using 10th century Syro-Aramaic lexicons.
After employing these 7-step he was able to reproduce the 25% "Dark Passages" and noticed that they were simply Aramaic Christian Lectionaries, Homilies, and Hymns written by Christian priests in the 4th - 6th centuries in worship to JESUS!
So, his exercise had nothing to do with ‘what he found’, but ‘who he found’!
What can we conclude?
•The Qur’an is a mixture of Arabic and Aramaic words, originally written in Aramaic script, later transcribed into the Arabic script.
•When taking Aramaic into account, the Qur’an can be fully understood as a Christian text.
•During the 9th & 10th centuries (according to the Germans), diacritics/vowels were added and the reading was therefore fixed (scriptio plena).
•The present Qur’an is an interpretative act by Muslim Arabs (no longer Christians) who decided where the dots and vowels would go.
•Thus, the Qur’an was changed, and claims that an oral tradition ensures the correct reading are patently false.
Here then is a possible timeline, including 5 periods of Textual evolution:
·7th century = Aramaic texts were transposed into Arabic, though few of the compilers knew Aramaic well.
·8th – 9th centuries = Arabic manuscripts began to appear, but without diacritics or vowels, making it difficult to read.
·8th – 10th centuries = Qira’at & Ahruf copies were compiled (736 – 905 AD) by over 700 different men put their dots/vowels wherever they chose, and then gave their name to their Qur'anic text.
·10th – 15th centuries = 7 Qira'ats (chosen by Ibn Mujahid in 936 AD), then 14 (chosen by al Shatabi in 1194 AD), then 9 ‘Readings’ (chosen by al Jaziri in 1429 AD) were designated the 30 official Qira'at Qur'ans, with over 93,000 differences between them. As different geographical groups memorized their Qur'an, they followed the Qira'at of their choice, which created problems.
·20th century = So, in 1924 the final and singular ‘Hafs’ Qur’an was chosen, first for Cairo, then in 1936 for Egypt, and then for the whole world in 1985.
So, Muslims began with 1 Qur'an, which became 7, then 21, then 30, and finally back to 1 again. Yet, they still claim that there has always been only 1 Qur'an, without one letter or one word different.
The video channel is called Pfander Films at
Following are a bunch of the video titles. You’ll have to search on the channel if you want to find any of them.
#1: The QUR'AN, MUHAMMAD, & MECCA (a Historical Summary)
#2: The "Standard Islamic Narrative" (SIN) is Holey!
#3: Without a 7th c. Qur'an, Muhammad, or Mecca, Islam dies!
#4: NOT ONE EYEWITNESS saw or heard Muhammad!
#5: Do Muslims know that early Islam is based on HEARSAY?
#6: Isn't early Christianity similarly based on HEARSAY?
#7: Notice how hopelessly LATE everything in Islam is!
#8: Finally, a debate on ISLAM'S HISTORICAL EVIDENCE!
#9: Those who "Knew" Muhammad lived 100s of miles north!
#10: MECCA = world's oldest city, yet no one's heard of it?
#11: Muslims needed a place, so they created MECCA!
#12: The Qur'an has absolutely no idea where Mecca is!
#13: The QUR'AN is written in the WRONG ARABIC!
#14: Muslims, show us the 300 prophets who died in Mecca?
#15: They've lost Mecca, as it's not on ANY ancient Maps!
#16: Muslim mosques were misdirected for over 100 years!
#18: Why did the Red Sea Merchants stay away from Mecca?
#19: Mecca had no ancient civilization because it had NO WATER!
#20: "Holy ZamZam water" is one of the best SCAMS by Muslims yet! Surprised?
#21: Jay Debunks Dr Ally on the purity & efficacy of ZamZam water!
#22: No one, No where knew of this historically holy city?
#23: Some of the Meccan Pilgrimage was pilfered from Jerusalem!
#24: The Hajj is pure Idolatry, built on idolatrous stones!
#25: MECCA's a LIE! 6 main reasons WHY!
#26: COINS Never Lie, yet say Nothing about Islam!
#27: 7th-Century ROCK INSCRIPTIONS Debunk Islam!
#28: FINALLY A Rock Inscription proves Mecca was "BUILT" late!
#29: Dome of the Rock Inscriptions Confront Islamic History!
2 Problems I have with the Qur'an's denial of the RESURRECTION
5 Problems I have with the Qur'an's denial of the CRUCIFIXION
5 Stages of the Hajj are borrowed, & IDOLATROUS!
911 - What caused it? Hatun & Jay discuss its ROOTS!
Al Fadi & Jay Celebrate 'THE DAY THE QUR'AN DIED'!
Arabic in the Qur'an is NOT from Mecca!
Bible is Historically inferior to the Qur'an?
brave, who dare to question Islam!
Christian Univ. expels prof. due to an OLD picture of Muhammad?
Crone debunks MECCA on the Land Trade Route!
early Mosques were not facing MECCA!
Ep.1: New Series - In search of THE QUR'AN'S ORIGINS!
Ep.10: Luxenberg finds an Aramaic Qur'an in 7 steps!
Ep.11: Lüling's examples destroy a preserved Qur'an!
Ep.12: Aramaic examples of the Qur'an by Murad/Sawma
Ep.13: Thomas Alexander on doctrinal changes in Surah 96
Ep.14: Mel explains Luling's Ethiopic research on Surah 5
Ep.15: Note how Muslim's Sexualized Christian Texts!
Ep.16: What about the Qur'an's Mysterious Letters?
Ep.17: Jesus can be found all through the Original Qur'an!
Ep.18: Can we know that the Qur'an was changed to Arabic?
Ep.19: It's Time to BRING THE QUR'AN HOME!
Ep.2: Will the ORIGINAL QUR'AN please 'stand up'?
Ep.3: See Muslims LIE, when faced with no Early Qur'ans!
Ep.4: Qur'anic Preservation is completely in Tatters!
Ep.5: Was the 7th c. Proto-Muhammad a Christian?
Ep.6: Note how Muslims Changed the early Qur'an!
Ep.7: Here's how 5 dots & 3 vowels changed the Qur'an!
Ep.8: Why are Muslims TERRIFIED of Dr Luling?
Ep.9: Why are Historical Critics of Islam censored?
Germans & the French can't agree on the Qur'an!
Hafs vs Warsh, do their 5,000 differences change anything?
Hatun is ARRESTED yet AGAIN! What was her crime?
Islam & Mecca are Historical FABRICATIONS!
Jay interviews Robert Spencer on his new book "The Critical Qur'an"
Joe #1: The "Judeo-Arabic Umayyad" Text of the Qur'an!
Joe applies his 11 Keys to Surah 112
Joe finds corroboration for 7th c. history, from CHINA!
Joe: The Dome's Inscriptions say ALLAH HAD A SON! Pt.2
Joe's 11 Keys Enlarged & Applied. Try it, It's easy...
Joe's 11-Keys to understand the original "Proto-Qur'an"!
Joe's Jewish interpretation of the Dome of the Rock! (Pt.1)
Killing Rushdie is easier than defending Muhammad!
Lloyd#1: Introducing our New 'Sin Sifter' Lloyd De Jongh!
Lloyd#2: Amputating Hands is promoted in Shariah Law!
Lloyd#3: Shariah Law's Amputations are Barbaric!
Lloyd#4: Shariah is Irrelevant because it's 1200 yrs too old!
Lloyd#5: Shariah is So Cruel that it must remain a Secret!
Lloyd#6: Don't Insult the Prophet, 'ON PAIN of DEATH'!
Lloyd#7: Don't Doubt Islam, it leads to apostasy, & Death!
Lloyd#8: ABRAHAM hated us, so ISLAM Abrogates us!
Lloyd#9: Islam must replace Christianity, & stop dissent!
Lloyd#10: Aqeedah Creed is why Muslims are Secretive!
Lloyd#11: Muslims are ALL obligated to DOMINATE US!
Lloyd#12: 8 areas of 'Commanding the Right & Forbidding the wrong'
Lloyd#13: Since Muhammad married Aisha, so can others!
Lloyd#14: Islam is a Political Ideology, not just a religion!
Lloyd#15: Muslims can KILL 2 categories of PEOPLE!
Lloyd#16: Lying (Hiyal) is Obligatory for Muslims!
Lloyd#17: Does Shariah permit Cultural differences?
Lloyd#18: Sahih, vs Hassan, vs Da'if Shariah rulings!
Lloyd#19: The 2 Divisions & 4 Levels of Islamic authority
Live-Stream on MECCA with Chris, Jay & Mel, yet Muslims can't respond!
New MAPS debunk Muslims claims about Mecca!
wrong Maps for Mecca!
Mecca is a LIE! Here's 10 reasons WHY!
MECCA without water & food, has no people, & no history
Mel's NEW CHANNEL on YouTube called 'ORIGINS'!
Mel & Fay: The 'Shahada' & 'Islam' are later inventions!
Mel & Murad say the 72 Houris in paradise aren't women or grapes?
Mel offers a completely new view of Mary in the Qur'anic Trinity!
Mel shows why Muslims have elevated Muhammad above Allah
Mel: Islam confuses RIDDA Wars with political Rivalry!
Mel#1: The Dome of the Rock isn't from the 7th century!
Mel#2: The Dome is not mentioned until the 9th c.
Mel#3: DOME's Inscriptions are 100s of years TOO LATE!
Mel#4: The Mosaics are Too Sophisticated for the 7th c.!
Mel#5: The Inscriptions with Qur'anic vss weren't Original!
Mel#6: Was it Umar or Abd al-Malik who built the Dome?
Mel#7: Inscriptions are a 16th cent. attack of Jesus!
Mel#8: It's the 18th century, & still NOT LIKE today's DOME!
Mel#9: Concludes the Dome is NOT what Muslims tell us!
Murad: By changing 2 words Muslims adulterated the text!
Saint Murad: The Sex Slaves Hoax!
Saint Murad's BACK, with a new Qur'anic Problem!
Muslims can't drink Beer, why is their Boza Beer one of the world's finest?
Muslims ZamZam Water isn't from Allah! So from whom?
NEW MAPI Course: "All about Muhammad" (Oct 24-Dec 12)
NEW MAPI Course: "An Assessment of the Qur'an" (June 19 - August 7) with Dr Dan Brubaker
NEW MAPI Course: "Islam in the 21st c." (June 20 - Aug 8)
NEW MAPI Course: "Islam's Beliefs & Practices" (Aug 29 - Oct 17)
NEW MAPI course: "The Origins of Islam" (Jan.30 - March 20)
NEW MAPI Course: Jesus' Deity & Trinity! Mar 3-Apr 28
NEW MAPI Course: Muslim Evangelism (Mar 28-May23)
NEW MAPI Course: The Bible vs the Qur'an! Jan 31-Mar 21
NEW MAPI Course: The History of Islam" (Mar.27-May15)
Nigeria Conference on Apologetics
Odon-Pt 1: The Qur'an came from a pool of earlier texts!
Odon-Pt 2: Why is the Qur'an called an "Arabic Qur'an"?
Odon-Pt.3: Finally! Evidence the Qur'an has many authors!
Odon-Pt.4: God's Balance in Nature, Corrupted (S.55:5-13)
Odon-Pt.5: The Qur'an itself points to a previous Qur'an!
Odon-Pt.6: The Qur'an was made from Notes & Drafts!
Odon-Pt.7: How the Qur'an was formed, in 6 STEPS!
ONLY 1 QUR'AN Muslims say! Yet we have found 30!
Ottoman Turks impact Mecca's origins?
Police award Hatun GBP 10,000, & she gives it away!
Promo: CIRA International Conference Oct. 14-15, 21-22
Promo: CIRA International Conference October 14-17 & 21-22
Revisiting Qadhi's Disastrous Interview on Qur'anic Preservation
S.C.#1: Jesus vs Muhammad Intro. (Hatun & Jay)
S.C.#2: Jesus' Peace vs Muhammad's Violence!
S.C.#4: Jesus was SINLESS, yet Muhammad was SINFUL!
S.C.#5: All the earliest Qur'ans have disappeared!
S.C.#6: Today's Qur'an has 1000's of CORRUPTIONS!
Scholars finally agree with Joe about Islam's Origins!
Shabir Ally Destroys Qur'anic Preservation in 17 MINUTES!
Shiraz Wine from Iran suggests that Islamic alcohol is fine!
Surah 1:4 "The Owner of the Day" vs "The King"
Surah 2:10 - Is it "They Lie" or "They Accuse others of Lying"
Surah 2:125 - Do "you Take", or "Have you taken"?
Surah 2:140 - Do "you" say, or do "they"? WARSH is WRONG!
Surah 2:184 - Do I feed "1", or "3" to get Allah's blessing?
"Proto" Qur'an was ARAMAIC, & all about JESUS!
Original Aramaic Qur'anic text is all about JESUS!
QUR'AN has a history, but it's mostly about JESUS!
Qur'an was Originally Aramaic, & All about Jesus!
Qur'an's Manuscripts are SHOCKINGLY INCOMPLETE!
Qur'an's MECCAN claims are Historically HOPELESS!
Thomas say what I THINK he said? HERESY!
Thomas Alexander finally has his own 'YouTube Channel'!
Thomas: (Pt.1) Where Islam came from (100 AD - 674 AD)
Thomas: (Pt.2) How Islam began politically (674 - 850)
Thomas: (Pt.3) Theological influences of Islam (100-489)
Thomas: (Pt.4) Why did Islam become Anti-Trinitarian?
Thomas: (Pt.5) The 'Dome of the Rock', Islam's 1st home!
Thomas: (Pt.6) Muhammad isn't in the first SHAHADA!
Thomas: (Pt.7) Believes there wasn't 1, but 2 Muhammads!
Thomas: (Pt.8) How did anti-Trinitarianism enter Spain?
Thomas: (Pt.9) Islam did not come to Spain as you think!
Thomas: (Pt.10 ) Was Islam in Spain a virtual "Paradise"?
Up to 300 PROPHETS are BURIED, & alive in MECCA?
We debunk Mecca on the Sea Trade Route as well!
We looked at the 'Book' & the 'Man', now the 'Place': MECCA
What! No Aramaic Qur'an Lectionaries in Merv?
Why can't the 'SIN Sifters' ever AGREE?
Why do Academics fear Luxenberg & Luling so much?
Why is there only an Arabic Qur'an, for the Arabic people?