Let’s look at the evidence. It doesn’t seem impressive on video, but maybe the apparitions were impressive in person. I’ll show the images below that might have been impressive. But I don’t know if any of them were from Gaza. To start with, it’s unlikely that 6 million Muslims converted to anything in Gaza, since the population is said to be only 2 million. So it looks like this video was made just to get views and maybe to manipulate us and maybe to distract us from better things. Since technology is making it easier to manipulate images and impressions, we need to be cautious about what we believe. People tend to accept what the mainstream media say about anything, although hopefully their credibility is waning. I may also discuss magic for comparison with possibly miraculous apparitions.
I’ll have about a dozen images to post from this video of possible miracles, but they’re only a small part of the video. A lot of the images in the video involve religious events & stories. I think these are all apparitions above the ground, in the sky, in clouds, in trees etc.
Above, said to be an image of Jesus, brighter than the Sun.
In the sky in front of a cloud. The apparition moved upward as if alive.
I guess this was in the evening sky. The image moved around in the air, but didn’t seem to change shape. It was very brief.
This is just clouds that look like a face. It’s not impressive as it is.
I got 4 images of this angel like being in the tree tops, appearing to hold out her arms at the end.
That’s Gaza on a map.
Strange cloud or mist in the sky.
Like an angel atop clouds with a diffuse beam of light toward the ground.
This looks like an apparition of Jesus or someone to the right, inside or outside a building.
That circled image is very hard to make out, vaguely resembling an angelic being.
UFO like cloud spraying a bright haze downward. The photo caught the top corner of a building to the right.
Possibly a very tall Jesus like image above a wooded valley. I don’t imagine that’s a Gaza landscape.
There’s a faint but bright image of an angel or someone. That’s supposed to be what a Muslim said who saw that image perhaps. If an image like that gives people a sense of joy & love, it may be more likely real, I think. That’s the last image I have from that video.
Now I’ll show a few images from a video that claimed that evil spirits can perform magic, or “miracles”. It says famous magicians appear to use such demons on occasion.
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists
Next are 4 images supposedly showing teleportation from the mainland to Hawaii.
The last two are of being sawed in half and putting out a cutting torch with the tongue with no harm done.
So, what’s the lesson here? Supernatural events can occur, but life itself seems to be supernatural. So what’s new? The main supernatural event was Jesus’ resurrection, which gave us confidence that we shall all carry on after death.