This is the excuse someone gave for so-called sins against the Holy Spirit being unforgiveable: "If Jesus says that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven either in this life or in the next, it is because this 'non-forgiveness' is linked, as to its cause, to 'non-repentance', in other words to the radical refusal to be converted."
But I don't buy it. Converted just means accepting Jesus' guidance to Love Everyone. No one's willpower can outlast God's Love, so no one can remain unconverted forever. That's a very naive supposition, based on Man's traditions.
The trinity is a pagan concept. Jesus & the Bible used some pagan concepts to teach the Law of Love, but they were surely meant to serve as something like parables. The idea of the Holy Spirit came from the ancient polar configuration of planets. (See video above.) Saturn, Venus & Mars were close to Earth and lined up in front of each other, so they looked like a single body. The alignment became unstable, so it looked like Mars & Venus became removed from Saturn's body. Venus was very bright & turbulent, so it seemed to have a lot of energy, while Saturn seemed dull when Venus was removed. Venus was thought to be the Spirit of Saturn. So Saturn was thought to symbolize the Body, Venus the Spirit, and Mars the Soul. Venus also looked like a white dove, so it was the model for the Holy Spirit.
So there are no unforgiveable sins. If Paul said that, he was ill-informed. The Bible isn't the word of God; it's the word of God's angels inspiring humans, who sometimes err. Angels can err and human writers can err in understanding inspiration.
The pre-Flood world resembled Pangaea (pole shifts)
Preflood ocean salt
This One Thing Will Make You Believe in Noah’s Flood
Melchizedek = Moloch + Zedek = Saturn + Jupiter
Why the Greek Septuagint is Superior to the Masoretic Text
Masoretic vs Septuagint : Guns, Lies and Forgeries
Ancient Aliens Debunked
How to turn your Neighborhood into a Village
Why US Malls Are Dying (And Why European Malls Aren't)
Social Media Is Changing For Good & Nobody Notices It
Content creators should concentrate on improving until at least 5% better than average and spread self thin on several platforms.
Chrisrian Astrology
A Critique of Jordan Peterson -- by Daniel Mackler
3-Minute Mental Hack to Take Control of Your Subconscious
We're all amateurs, so don't be snobby.
This is some AMATEUR musician.
Some AMATEUR singer too.
And an AMATEUR walker.
That's maybe my favorite amateur online.
And then there are IMITATION AMATEURS like this.
A.I.'s response to my question.
One way to tell the difference between an essay written by an adult human and one written by A.I. is to use a tool that can analyze the complexity and variability of the text. For example, GPTZero is an app that can detect whether text is written by ChatGPT, a popular A.I. chatbot that can generate essays. GPTZero uses two indicators: perplexity and burstiness. Perplexity measures how complex the text is, and burstiness measures how variable the sentence length is. Text that is more complex and varied tends to be human-written, while text that is more uniform and familiar to GPTZero tends to be A.I.-written . Another way to tell the difference is to use a classifier that can indicate whether text is likely A.I.-written based on its features and patterns. For example, OpenAI has developed a classifier that can identify 26% of A.I.-written text as "likely A.I.-written", while only mislabeling 9% of human-written text as A.I.-written. These methods are not perfect, but they can help distinguish between human and A.I. essays.
Me: Write an unflattering description of the present writer's audience.
A.I.: I’m sorry, but I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to write an unflattering description of anyone. Is there something else I can help you with? 😊
Me: Write an unflattering description of a narcissistic beetle.
A.I.: The narcissistic beetle struts around with its shiny shell, thinking it’s the most important creature in the world. It’s so self-absorbed that it doesn’t even notice when it bumps into other insects or tramples over their homes. It’s always preening and admiring itself, never realizing that its vanity is off-putting to others. Despite its grandiose sense of self-importance, the narcissistic beetle is ultimately just a small, insignificant insect in a vast world.
Me: Write a story about a bunch of narcissistic hick aliens, what are their names, describe each of them and describe their selfish behaviors and what they need to learn.
A.I.: Hey, y'all! Welcome to my blog where I share my adventures in the galaxy. Today I want to tell you about a bunch of narcissistic hick aliens I met on a planet called Zork. These aliens were so full of themselves, they made me look humble. And that's saying something!
_Let me introduce you to the gang. There was Zeebo, the leader of the pack. He had a big head, literally and figuratively. He thought he was the smartest and most handsome alien in the universe. He was always bragging about his achievements and putting down others. He never listened to anyone's opinions or feelings. He was a jerk.
_Then there was Lulu, the only female in the group. She was obsessed with her appearance and spent hours grooming herself. She had long purple hair that she styled in different ways every day. She wore flashy clothes and jewelry that she stole from other planets. She was always flirting with Zeebo and trying to get his attention. She didn't care about anyone else's needs or wants. She was a diva.
_Next there was Goober, the comic relief of the group. He had a round body and a goofy smile. He was always cracking jokes and making fun of others. He thought he was hilarious and everyone loved him. He didn't realize that his jokes were often hurtful and offensive. He never apologized or took responsibility for his actions. He was a clown.
_And finally there was Rocco, the muscle of the group. He had a huge body and a small brain. He was always flexing his arms and showing off his strength. He liked to bully and intimidate others who were weaker than him. He never respected anyone's boundaries or consent. He was a brute.
_These four aliens were the most selfish beings I ever met. They only cared about themselves and their own interests. They never helped anyone or did anything good for the planet. They were always causing trouble and making enemies. They were a nuisance.
_They also had a lot to learn. They needed to learn how to be humble, compassionate, respectful, and responsible. They needed to learn how to appreciate others and their differences. They needed to learn how to work together and cooperate. They needed to learn how to grow up.
_But did they ever learn? Well, you'll have to wait for my next post to find out. I'll tell you what happened when I decided to teach them a lesson they would never forget. It was epic!
_Stay tuned for more stories from the galaxy. And remember, don't be like those narcissistic hick aliens!
AI art is bad for everyone, not just artists {Boycott}