NOTE: NDE means Near Death Experience. These NDE stories are interesting and inspiring, but they could be completely fake, such as if made up by writers hired by the government’s Intelligence community.
I Died In Labor & Was Shown Unbearable Future Events {of 2024} youtube.com/watch?v=ar7fK8nMyNw
In this video, a guy reads a very well-written letter from a woman in South Africa who had a near-death-experience while she was giving birth to her child. In the letter the woman apparently said she was in terrible pain at the time of the NDE but then went into a very realistic dream-like state in which she was with angels. One of them told her in visions that in 2024 the world will experience a severe earthquake, famine and civil war, unless people repent and turn to Jesus Christ. I take that to mean to turn to love everyone as we love ourselves and to follow Jesus’ example of Love for All. Then the angel asked her to return to her life and tell the world the visions she saw and to warn us that they will come to pass unless we repent and all that. So she agreed to do so.
Man Dies And Is Shown The Future youtube.com/watch?v=zPFv1p6cORc
The guy in this video, named Bill I think, said he had a booth at a fair or something in Arizona in 1994. There was a bad virus going around there and he caught it and had to get an inhaler etc, because he could hardly breathe. In his hotel room he laid down and his consciousness left his body. He entered a tunnel of bright light where he felt like he was totally loved and part of love and he forgot who he was. He was taken to somewhere in outer space. His guardian, Antonia, was with him, but he didn’t notice her till they arrived at this distant location. His older brother, Peter, used to take care of him until Peter died at age 16. He met Peter there too and then remembered who he was again himself and Peter was his second guardian. A third guardian was Oren. Bill’s life was reviewed and he was shown the good things he did first, then the bad things, which caused him to feel the pain he had caused others. He learned his lessons. He was then shown the future when the 9/11 event would occur, so that when it did occur he was at his mother-in-law’s house and after the first tower was hit, he had friends working there and he wanted to warn them, but he couldn’t. And he said the other tower was going to be hit soon too. Then he saw the War in Iraq where lots of bombs were exploding after 9/11.
Bill said people need to settle differences with their families and friends, instead of holding grudges and not talking. We need to listen to each other and work things out. We need to end hate and practice love. He was shown the world if hate persists where it would be destroyed and was shown the world if love conquers hate where it will be paradisical. He said service is important, even small acts of kindness to others. It makes our spirits grow. I think that means mature. He was told numbers are often used as an alert system for us mortals. He had already noticed that the number 66 had been his alert number, which they confirmed.
Another female angel then appeared to Bill and told him he needed to return to his mortal life. He pleaded to be allowed to stay where he was, because it was so pleasant, but he was sent back to his body anyway. He was told he needed to take care of his son and daughter. He was then back in his body and he struggled to breathe, but soon was breathing better, but he was unable to move for a few minutes. Then he had tingling sensations in his arms and legs etc and was able to move enough to ask the hotel desk for help. He was put on oxygen and meds and he recuperated. His wife was pregnant during this experience. She bore a son. They also had an older son. They had no daughter until the year 2000. She was born on June 6, 2000. He didn’t say if he noticed that June 6 is also represented as 6/6.
I Died On The Battlefield And Jesus Gave Me A Message To Bring Back youtube.com/watch?v=Sp4PetmfRMg
This story is by a Marine in Afghanistan who was severely wounded in July 2010. He was a medic. His platoon was on patrol when bullets started raining down on them from 2 directions. He got shot 4 times, 2 of which were in the chest. His buddies were dragging him toward cover behind a tree, when his consciousness started hovering above his body. He then flew up into space, was at peace, and didn’t care about Earth life any more. He saw a bright light and was pulled into a light tunnel and moved far out into space. His new surroundings were divided into dark and light. He looked into the darkness and heard screams there. A voice said You don’t want to go there. Then he looked down and saw a pleasant-looking area of grass under his feet, but which looked scorched toward the dark place. Above he saw heaven, but it was blurry and he was not allowed to go there yet. Then a voice asked if he was ready to go back yet. Then a being of light transformed into Jesus and he told him to watch. Jesus then disappeared and he saw a vision of being back on Earth. He was with his buddies and they were all hovering above their bodies. He could see a tunnel of light like he saw before. He also saw what looked like shooting stars, which turned out to be angels bringing people’s souls to heaven. But behind them he saw demons devouring people. He was afraid he would be devoured. But then he saw that angels were using laser-like devices to burn the demons and turn them to ash. UFOs were guiding the demons, but they sped away quickly when they saw the angels. The demon horde was getting closer, still devouring people. Jesus appeared hovering in the air. The medic then saw all the sins of his present life, but also of his 8 previous lives. One of his lives was as a Roman curator who killed Christians, which he was most ashamed of. Jesus then said it was time for him to go back to his life as a medic. Jesus told him to tell others what he saw. He then said he would not tell this story to anyone till he sees Jesus again. He looks forward to seeing everyone in heaven some day.
NOTE: It apparently isn’t a big deal to get devoured by demons, because people supposedly get reincarnated anyway. I’m skeptical of reincarnation and I believe all will be saved. Even demons will likely be saved IMO.
Another video is called “I Died And Jesus Showed Me World War 3 During My Near Death Experience”. The teller said he was told that WW3 will occur when the Korea’s unify and attack a neighboring country. I’m skeptical of the claims of this video too.
Why do some NDErs give warnings of the future and say that our purpose is to serve others, while other NDErs say that all is well and in God's hands so just be in The Moment and enjoy yourself?
NDErs saying don't worry and that all is in God's hands:
"There are flashes of remembrance of the beautiful words the Angels bestowed upon me: Your only role in this lifetime is to breathe and not resist." - Kelly Sammy (of "Nurture Your Soul")
"...Their lives were going to happen perfectly, according to how they needed it to happen with God. It was all perfect. There was nothing to fear because fear is not real. Fear is the result of thinking that things are not perfect. But everything is perfect. The reason for fear is to see the light." - Jane O (Probable NDE)
"Love is The Creator, fear is the destroyer." - Megan Hamilton (Four Points of Life)
"I learned that two primary forces - love and fear - had been driving all my behaviors." - Anita Moorjani
"Previously, I used to pursue, feeling as though I had to do, get, and achieve. However, the very act of going after something stems from fear–we’re afraid of not having what we truly want. It keeps us stuck in duality, because the focus in on the inherent separation between the hunter the quarry. Now, however, I no longer chase anything. Instead, I allow." - Anita Moorjani again
NDErs saying to be concerned about the future and make changes:
"The United States must change immediately and become the teachers of goodness and generosity to the rest of the world." - The Light Beings from Howard Storm's NDE
"They explained to me that their concern was for all the people of the world. They weren't interested in one group getting ahead of other groups. They want every person to consider every other person greater than their own flesh. They want everyone to love everyone else, completely; more, even, than they love themselves. If someone, someplace else in the world hurts, than we should hurt we should feel their pain. And we should help them." - Howard Storm again
"If you follow what you have been taught and keep living the same way you have lived the last 30 years, all of this will surely be upon you. If you change, you can avoid the coming war. If you follow this dogma, the world by the year 2004 will not be the same one you now know. But it can still be changed and you can help change it." - The Being of Light to Dannion Brinkley
Things to Know about Distressing Near-Death Experiences https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6173534/
Distressing NDEs occur under the same wide range of circumstances and feature most of the same elements as pleasant NDEs. What differs is the emotional tone, which ranges from fear through terror to, in some cases, guilt or despair. The reports typically lack two elements common in pleasant NDEs: a positive emotional tone and loss of the fear of death.
A notorious reluctance to report a distressing NDE may lead to long-lasting trauma for individuals as well as limiting the data on occurrence. A literature review covering thirty years of research concludes that as many as one in five NDEs may be predominantly distressing.10
The etiology of all such events remains unknown. Despite decades of clinical studies, none so far adequately explains either the cause or function of NDEs. Further, NDEs cross so many clinical circumstances and demographic bases, there is no way to predict who will have what type of NDE. No evidence supports the conventional assumption that “good” people get pleasant NDEs and “bad” people have distressing ones. Saints have reported extremely disturbing NDEs,11, pp. 63–75 while felons and suicide attempters have encountered bliss.12, pp. 41–44
Pleasant NDEs tend to convey universal messages of compassion that cross religious and philosophical systems. Distressing NDEs typically have less focused messages but follow the ancient shamanic pattern of suffering/death/resurrection, which in less metaphoric terms can be read as an invitation to self-examination, disarrangement of core beliefs, and rebuilding. In practical terms, a common interpretation of a distressing NDE is that it is a message to turn one’s life around.
The description of any NDE is shaped by the experiencer’s pre-existing mental categories and vocabulary. As example, although the archetype of a benevolent guide is common in NDEs, individuals typically identify the presence according to their own cultural vocabulary. Any report identifying an archetypal individual by name is a perception that may or may not be factually true but cannot be confirmed as such. Understandably, it is facts like these which religious groups and materialists alike may find troubling. Secular Westerners often believe an NDE indicates a psychotic episode.
The primary effect of many NDEs is a powerful and enduring awareness that the physical world is not the full extent of reality. Because this perception runs so deeply counter to Western materialism, and conversely because its implications affect some dogmatic theological teachings, the new conviction commonly overturns experiencers’ personal life and social relationships abruptly and permanently.