I was doing a little window shopping at Rumble and came across a nice video that helps clear up the meaning of Revelation a little and helps expose who is the Beast. The following are some excerpts from the transcript. The authors seem to have a good website at https://stopworldcontrol.com/. Another is https://www.resistancechicks.com/.
REVELATION REDPILL Wednesday Ep 5: Exposing the History Behind Modern End Times Teaching
<58 minutes>
... Once you really understand the purpose of God.... So let me explain it in a few simple sentences. Because anyone who truly understands a topic can always summarize it in one or a few sentences. God told me what is the reason that "I created man". "To be among them, to be with them." So God has to have a family. "My sons and daughters, where I dwell in their midst." That is what Christ came to do. To establish the presence of the Almighty in our midst. That's why he died on the cross. That's why he gave the spirit of God. Yeah. That's why the physical temple was demolished by God himself. Yes. To destroy that, because he does not want to dwell in a stone building made by the hands of man. He wants to build us as his temple, with his hands, with his spirit, so that we would live in this incredible, intimate, ongoing day and night everywhere we are, no matter how we feel. Fellowship with him. He's always here. You know He is with us. That's what Christ came to restore, the promise of God, throughout the whole Old Testament. And this summarizes it, once any minister, any scholar, any Bible teacher, any prophet, or possible. When you get this, you don't need any other explanation, because this is what it's all about. Everything in the entire Old Testament is about this one thing. Oh come on. God constantly announced, "I will be your God. You will be my people. I will dwell in your midst." Yes, come on. And that's what the Messiah would come to do. Yes, bam. That's it. He would restore the closeness, the presence, the intimacy of God almighty to His people. So when Christ came, that's what he said. He said, "I'm going to demolish, to end, destroy everything that you guys know." And in their language, in their Jewish culture, that was called heaven and earth. ... Their entire spiritual reality, the heavens, their entire earthly experience of their religion. The temple, I mean the temple was literally called heaven and earth. Yes. So Christ said, that's gonna be destroyed. "And I will create a new heaven and earth, a new reality, a new spiritual reality under which you live, and you will become a brand new creation. You are the new earth." Our heart is in Scripture, the earth in which the word of God sows seeds and it flourishes and we become a paradise....
<1 hour 49 minutes>
OK. We have to understand that the whole Old Covenant was about a physical Israel, a military, political Israel, right? That's why the apostles joined Christ in the first place, especially Jude and Peter. Yeah. The mother of James and John came to Christ and said, "hey, can my son sit on your throne with you?" Right. They all of Israel had this cardinal mindset. When the Messiah comes, he will restore Israel as a political military nation, that will rule over the whole earth. That's because God had said through his prophets the Lord will reign from Zion. And Israel, you will be a light to the nations. And you know so. But then God sent Christ. And Christ says something completely different. He said, "Guys, there's no way you can even see the Kingdom of God with your natural eyes." Wow. "Only when you're born from above by the Spirit can you see it right. And you cannot enter it based on your generational ... descendants." John said, "Nobody can become a child of God through the flesh, or from or through natural means." So he said, "Nobody is a Jew through your genetic lineage." John said, "You are only a child of God when you recognize who God is. Recognize what God does. When you recognize whom God sends to you, the Christ. And when you believe in the Christ, then you have the power to be transformed into an authentic, true descendant of the Most High God, a child of God. And then Paul said that the Scripture is saying ... so. And then Christ said to all these Jews, he said, "Those who fear and obey the word of God, they are my family." So Christ abolished the whole racist mentality of the Jews. "We are better than those Gentiles, dogs, animals. Only Jews are humans." Wow. That's written in the Talmud. And even those people {disciples} thought like that. That's why Christ said to that Samaritan woman, ... he called her a dog. That's not because he was racist. It's because he was speaking in their cultural understanding, showing them, "Well, you guys think that she is a dog, because she's not you, but she has more faith than all of you guys together." Wow.
<2 hours 8 minutes>
{Most of huma}nity is a bunch of animals. Only Jew is a human. Because Ezekiel says you humans to the Jews, so only Jews are human. The rest is basically an animal. And that is, you know, the essence of the superiority mindset that the elites have, where they think "we are better than the rest". And so the Rothschilds, and ... I'm only using them as an example... There are 30 families, 30 bloodlines ... there's all. (And the head of the snake is in the Vatican. That's a whole different thing.) But they misinterpret the Torah and the Talmud. And they see God speak about, "I will rule from Israel. I will reign from Zion. Israel will be the light for the nations. People will be saved through Israel." They don't understand that Israel is Christ. Because God said about Israel, I called Israel from Egypt and there what happened? Christ was called from Egypt to fulfill that and to show "I am the first born of God. I am the Israel, the Prince of God. I'm the Son of God. I fulfill his promises." ... But they have this mindset that they are destined to rule the world. Because they are quote unquote "Jews", so they want to....
That's why the Rothschilds, who are Satanists, they funded Israel. And they fulfilled the desire of the zealots, of Peter (Simon Peter) and Jude. They restored Israel as a political military nation. But they had to get the support of the Christians for that. There was no way they could pull that off without the Christians on their side. So what did they do? Scofield put 400 footnotes in his Scofield Study Bible that all said that the fulfillment of the promises of God are about to happen, because Israel is about to be restored. And indeed several decades later, the same people who published Scofield Bible, they built a new Israel. So the prophecy was "fulfilled". And so they shifted to the mind as the center ... through physical, military, political Israel is a fulfillment and that's what it's all about and that's what was injected into Christianity. And then the whole mindset follows there, where they say and Jesus will return and reign from Israel. Which goes along with the Jews ... still looking for their Messiah, so they don't have a problem with that because, like, "Oh yeah, we'll take another Messiah and rule and reign." And it is interesting that the initial parts of dispensationalism have no Christians on the earth. It actually just has the Jews reigning and ruling by themselves with no Christians. Christians are gone in some ether, raptured away. OK, now they've had to tweak that, because some Christians are like, "Hey, I wanna be part of that." Right? "We're gonna tweak that part". There's a lot in Schofield, the Scofield Reference Bible, that have just been quietly taken out ... because it's too fantastical. It wouldn't fly in the church. ... And you know it's very strange that the idea behind like the "Left Behind" series, {I mean} Hal Lindsey, they believe that 1/3 of the Jews are gonna have to be wiped off the face of the planet all over again, where that already happened. You know, the punishment. The punishment came on that generation, the great tribulation is already over because it was ... and maybe you could talk on this ... the great tribulation was for a specific group of people who denied the Messiah. Exactly. And that's why John the Baptist ... prophesied, the tree of Israel will be chopped down. And then, right before Christ came, John said to the Pharisees, "The axe is now at the root of the tree."
And when Christ spoke about judgments coming, he didn't speak about the judgment of the world. He spoke about the judgment of Israel. That was what was prophesied. So {the} basic thing, if you need to summarize all of this, is that Christ came to restore the children of God to their original creation mandate of being the sons of God {or children of God}. And the solution for humanity and our time is not a church who waits to be raptured out of here; it is a church who rises up in its authority to be the ambassadors of the Most High God and expel evil. That's basically what it's all about. And they {Satanists} are very clever because they want the world to think that their agenda for world domination is Bible prophecy. That's why Bill Gates has this patent 060606. That's why they call the United Nations the Beast. They put all the imagery everywhere, so that people would think, see, this is Bible prophecy. But the exact opposite is happening. We are not in a time where evil is going to rule the world. We are in a time where hundreds of millions of people are waking up and they are resisting evil. They are opposing it. They are exposing it. If you read Revelation, it speaks about the beast who was Emperor Nero. And he was worshipped as a God. And he demanded people to have a mark on their head or hands to enter into the marketplaces, so they could buy or sell in the marketplaces. So, but it says the whole world worshiped the beast. Indeed, the world in that time was the Roman Empire. Yeah, and that whole Roman Empire worshiped Nero, whose name is literally calculated to 666. So, but when people say ... we are in the end Times now, {that} the vaccines are the mark of the beast, I'm like, no, because now we don't see the whole world is worshiping one political world leader. Wow. Exactly. We see the exact opposite. Yeah. We see the whole world rising up against {it}. Come on, that's evil. Yeah, it's exact opposite. On our website ..., we have, I think, it's already 900 organizations worldwide who are standing up against all the tyranny. That's awesome. ... The Bible has a lot to teach us on, by example. OK, so that the vaccine is a type of, kind of like, a mark of the beast, but it's just because Revelation shows us the heart of God. That when his people are persecuted, he's gonna bring judgment. And then ... just kind of replay themselves out, because it's history, right? And so ... it gets better and better as the church keeps getting stronger and stronger.