INTRO. Here’s some Introductory stuff to start with. The most important info will be a couple paragraphs or so down below.
What I mean by Relevant is the stuff that applies to now and the near future. If you think the Bible is full of nonsense, I tend to agree, although it seems to be due to a lot of obscure symbolism. The Old Testament is especially opaque. In the New Testament there is a lot of symbolism which is also hard to understand, but not as hard as the Old Testament. It seems that Jesus was actually saying that he came to teach the Old Testament correctly after the religious leaders had been teaching it wrong for a long time, probably since the Babylonian captivity when a lot of pagan mythology got incorporated into teachings from the Old Testament. So Jesus said the Old Testament was really about God’s Love and trusting in that love. There are over 200 quotes from the Old Testament in the New Testament, supporting the idea that the New Testament isn’t really different from the Old Testament, but that it attempts to explain the Old Testament properly.
THE WORD OF GOD. The Old Testament purports to give a history of humanity and of the Israelites. That history is somewhat plausible, except for a lot of supposed miracles. Many call the Bible the Word of God, but what did Word of God mean originally? The Bible mentions the Word of God a number of times, but I don’t think it was referring to itself. Instead, it was referring to a voice coming to someone and the voice was thought to be from God. But the word God referred to the angels of God. They called themselves God, by which they apparently meant they were God’s agents. The Old Testament says God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. But the New Testament in the Book of Acts says Stephen referred to this Old Testament story as meaning an angel spoke to Moses through the burning bush. So that’s an example of the New Testament correcting the Old Testament. Also, in the story of Abraham or Lot preparing for the catastrophe at Sodom and Gomorrah the angels who were visiting him were referred to as angels, as men, and as Lord God. So the Bible was inspired by angels, not God directly. Does God exist? I can conceive of God as universal consciousness (all-knowing and all-powerful), but especially as universal caring (all-loving). Humans are said to have been created in the image and likeness of God, so most folks figured it meant God looks human. But I think it means humans are knowing, powerful and, most important, loving. The New Testament says God is Love.
WHAT'S REAL. Are angels real? That means are spirits real. Do we continue to exist after death? Does our knowing, and power, and loving continue to exist? I expect so, though I don’t think I have proof, unless it’s the shroud of Turin, which gives strong evidence that Jesus survived death. And he said we would do greater things than he did. Are miracles real? I don't think so. I think what we call miracles can be accomplished when a person or group has enough knowledge. Maybe trust in "God" is needed too, where God means all-love. Did God create Earth in 6 days or 6,000 years, which were God-days? Ancient myths say similar things about creation, but creation seems to mean re-creation, which means there was already existence, but on Earth it got destroyed, turned into "chaos", and then chaos was reorganized. The god who looked like a man at that time was the planets, Saturn, Venus and Mars, lined up together, close to Earth, to look like a human. I plan to discuss that eventually on my Cataclysmic Earth History substack. Earth and the solar system likely formed in the way Charles Chandler figured out, by electrical implosion of a gas cloud interstellar filament. The universe is likely much older than misled Bible worshipers think. Did the Biblical patriarchs really exist? There seems to be evidence that some or all of them did, but I don't have enough evidence to be confident in that. Did the Great Flood really happen? There's abundant evidence that it did, which my other substack covers. Was Noah's ark real? There's evidence of huge artificial drop stones and possible covering for the ark approaching Mt. Ararat. That's about the all I know of. What about the Tower of Babel? There's some evidence, but it may have been confused with a celestial apparition. Sodom and Gomorrah? Yes, the conditions around the Dead Sea are strong evidence for that catastrophe. It was likely due to a meteoric airburst. The idea that Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt is surely a myth based on the fact that numerous salt pillars exist in the area. Charles Chandler has interesting info on his site about "Torah Historicity" which might shed light on much of early Israelite history. Did the Exodus really occur? Probably in much smaller numbers than claimed in the Bible. The plagues? The plagues may have been caused by a huge volcanic eruption on the island of Santorini. The pillar of cloud and fire may have been a cometary apparition. The comet may have triggered the eruption. The unconsumed burning bush on the mountain may have been lit by electrical effects, called St. Elmo's fire. The Ten Commandments event was likely mostly myth, but religious people likely interpreted it philosophically. Many Biblical miracles were likely based on apparitions of the Saturn configuration of planets. That configuration broke up eventually, probably before the Sodom and Gomorrah destruction. The story of Samson is likely based on the Saturn apparition. It's a pretty nonsensical story otherwise.
WITHOUT ANY ADO: END TIMES. Now to the point. Is the Bible prophetic? Does it foretell the future? If angels/spirits are real, then it's entirely possible. The Bible seems to have predicted a massacre of the Jews in 70 A.D. (carried out by the Romans) and to have predicted another manmade catastrophe in our time. Darren Thompson has or had some interesting material online claiming that some of the symbolism in the Book of Revelation refers to celestial apparitions. The virgin refers to the constellation Virgo. Christ in the womb refers to Mars in Virgo. The Moon and Jupiter are also referenced, along with one or two comets, if I remember right, and/or solar eclipses. He used an astronomical calculator to find that the events in Revelation appear to be scheduled to occur from 2024 to 2031, a 7 year period, and the planetary arrangement in Virgo will occur in the exact middle of that time period, in August 2027. Since the Covid scam started in 2020, I figured maybe the 7 year period might begin with that and end in August 2027. It would be nice if it would end sooner like that, but Darren might still be right, that it won't start till 2024. Bummer.
BEAST VS. CHRIST. The Bible discusses the Beast and darkness in high places. The Beast seems to refer to the ruling class of society, which uses brute force against the common people and treats us like prey. It also uses a lot of deception like predators do in order to fool their prey. The Covid scam has involved more deception than that of any other time in history, IMO. And by deception I mean outright lies, and I mean from the very heads of world governments and their agencies. The Bible predicts a second coming of Christ. Does it mean a return of Jesus? Jesus in the flesh? Or Jesus in spirit? Followers of Christ are described as members of the body of Christ. So maybe the second coming means the coming of his followers acting like the body of Christ. Jesus said his followers will do even greater things than he did. Does that mean we will or can become spirit like he did? If we can do greater things than he did, maybe we can become spirits without first dying. Or is it true that No Pain, No Gain? Do we have to suffer and die to become spirits? Let's keep an open mind. Since all things are possible with "God", I think all that is possible, but I don't think we should count on it. The Bible often says to Fear Not. It seems like it thus tried to comfort us but simultaneously tried to scare us into submission. I reckon the scary parts may have come from those who misinterpreted the lessons in the Bible. When it says to fear God, I think it really meant to be in awe of God. I think fear often meant awe. Remember, "gospel" means good news. It's not good news if anything terrible occurs to us for long.
DOUBT. It's good to doubt. Remember doubting Thomas? He supposedly wouldn't believe Jesus resurrected until he touched Jesus' wounds with his own hands. So Jesus obliged. And the other apostles were there to witness it. So Jesus proved himself to all of them. Jesus said Blessed are those who believe without seeing. I think he meant Blessed are those who believe in all-love. Many people can't readily conceive of the universe or anything like that as being conscious or caring. I also wrote previously about No Eternal Hell and Universal Salvation. Salvation is a distasteful churchy term that I don't care for, but I translate it to mean maturation. Everyone will mature morally. Terms like Hell and Salvation come from ancient myths and the Bible uses many such myths to help teach its spiritual truths. I expect that Jesus has no problem with atheists, since the religious idea of God being in the shape and character of an old man in the sky is obviously myth and Jesus called himself Truth etc. Atheists probably need to learn to trust in a universe of all-knowing and all-love eventually, but there's no rush. Just as Jesus proved himself to the apostles, he will likely prove himself to us. I think the shroud of Turin is rather good proof, but more proof may come. And there's nothing wrong with praying for proof, if you like. I don't have faith that Jesus exists, but it seems likely. I don't believe he's God, as he never said he was God the Father, just God the Son, meaning all of us may be "God", since we're children of God, like Jesus is.
COVID BELIEVERS. The Beast may be self-destructing by employing the Covid scam etc. I have said that the ruling class likely put Biden in power this time, instead of Trump, because they knew that fewer people would take the vaxes if Trump remained in power. Liberals, blacks and hispanics would likely have been much more vax-hesitant, since Trump put the vaxes on the fast track. The people who took the vaxes were mainly people who believed in and trusted the Beast, i.e. the government and the mainstream media. Those who don't trust the Beast are not being deceived as much by the beast and are not falling victim as much to the Beast's poison.
PARADISE. A site called HisHolyChurch said the Bible says the Kingdom of Heaven is on Earth, like it says in the Lord's prayer, thy Kingdom come (and) thy will be done on Earth as in Heaven. It's also in "heaven" for us after death, but God is God of the Living, not of the Dead, or something like that. I think Heaven will be on and near the Earth. The Book of Acts chapter 15 describes how to achieve Heaven on Earth, by following the example of the Apostles' method of church government, involving unanimous rule instead of the Beast's method of majority rule. I've written about that in a previous post. So I'm hoping that some of us will soon learn how to do Heaven on Earth. I think we should start thinking and planning for that right away, even though we may not accomplish much until the Beast is gone. What say?
thx do u know this SS:
3rd start. No editing here, i lost 2 sessions already.
Hi Len,
So much you wrote, so many questions, 555 (thai for hahaha)
I pick one if you allow me.
- Christ : the story resembles many others from different cultures. I select one,
Isis/Osiris becoming Horus
(I studied this one a bit).
Osiris gets killed by his jealous bother Seth, who then cuts the body in parts and hides them all over the place in the underworld.
Isis, his wife, with help of her sister, assisted by (semi)-gods, finds the body parts back and manages to put the body together. Minus the penis, an interesting detail because next she has intercourse and as result Horus arises !
This points to an union of the feminine and male, going beyong duality. The Christians call this virgin birth. The story has many more interesting aspects...
On the website www, Joshua explains many hidden meanings in the Bible