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I enjoy this deeper article with compassion through vulnerability shown in your writing and our conversations. I agree there are lessons in pain as it builds character, especially when handled correctly. I recently listened to a Ken Fish conference, who is a skilled deliverance healer, where learned about root causes with patterns to pray over. I believe he mentioned there were 39 root causes of pestilence and 39 lashes biblically, coupled with Isaiah 53 angles to address or encompass them all. Ken goes deeper in his pattern recognition to isolate certain pain. I am happy to build on my recent evangelistic healing anointing to deepen understanding.

1st Testament - 39 lashes


2nd Testament - 39 lashes


Depression and Anxiety: I heard a quote from Lao Tzu who I believe is a leader of Taoism which struck me as wise. He wrote:

If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are anxious you are living in the future.

If you are at peace you are living in the present.

I also believe that if you attack early thoughts as sinful or not of light there are nuerolinguistic ways you can alleviate pain some; viewing our creator as in control. It's tough when you lose someone, yet growth and resurrection are cornerstones of Christian-Judeo thought.

To Goød the glory for "joint" healing,


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Yes, I guess we can reduce pain best by finding and removing the cause of it. Emotional pain seems to greatly increase any physical pain we experience. Emotional pain is caused by false beliefs, such as the belief that one is alone, or unfairly deprived, or deserving of vengeance, or that one is worthless or deserving of misery etc. Just as toxicity causes damage and pain to the body, toxic or false beliefs cause damage and pain to the mind. So, for both physical and emotional pain, I try to find the toxicity and remove it (and replace it with nourishment).

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Many thanks Len for your thoughtful piece. Re "I think God means for us to learn to be happy under all circumstances. Was Jesus secretly happy in his agony during crucifixion? "

I am am not joking when I say in His agony He looked up and said to Himself "At least the view is a bit better up here".

As regards pain I took another look at the word. A short link if you are interested.


You are right about the word Hell. It means 'Light' or 'Fair' in German for example, so light is purifying. It brings vitamin D to our bodies and in the soul it brings the big 'D', the heavenly Father.

The sun of God, the light of the world, brings vitamin D to our bodies if we do the right things and the Son of God as the Light of the World brings the Father to our souls if we do the right things if we listen and follow His advice.


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Good thinking, IMO. You seem to be somewhat of a poet, Michael. Do you acknowledge that? I have a post on Covid poets at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/art-vs-tyranny.

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Thank you. I do write poetry as I am inspired. I have a couple up on my WordPress site but I have done quite a few others.

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Mar 26, 2023
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Tentmaker said the sheep go to God's right and the goats to His left. Sheep are docile believers, while goats are unwieldy skeptics. To the left is not Hell. Both go to God. Leftists go to God too. Maybe it's related to the Left Brain / Right Brain dichotomy.

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